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Resource Center

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Scheduling a Survey

Edsight allows you to schedule and administer surveys of different practical measures to either your groups of students of professional learning peers. Every time you schedule a survey, Edsight generates am URL (or, simply, a link) that will collect data from respondents. In other words, just send the link to your students or professional learning peers and ask them to fill in the survey. See below for more details.



First, choose a future date for your survey. This is when you administer your survey to students or colleagues.


Then, select one of your classes of students or PD groups (depending on your roles). Edsight has your groups pre-loaded here.


Finally, add a brief description about the survey event. For example, imagine this is the day you will be teaching triangles.

Watch a video to know more

Questions you might ask

  1. How often should I administer a survey for a classroom measure?


How often you administer the classroom measure(s) should be tied to the focus of your instructional improvement work.For example, in one partner district, the classroom measures were administered as part of ongoing coaching cycles, in which coaches and their partner teachers would co-plan an upcoming lesson, teach the lesson, and then debrief. As part of the planning process, each coach-teacher pair focused on a specific aspect of instruction that they had previously identified as an area for improvement. The teachers and coaches found it useful to administer a survey in each co-planned lesson so that they could assess whether the instructional changes they had made were in fact improvements. In the debrief of the coaching cycle, the teachers and coaches analyzed students' responses. If there was evidence that the teacher had made progress to the previously identified area for improvement, then the coach and teacher identified a new aspect of instruction on which to focus. The teachers and coaches engaged in this process on a monthly basis, as this provided the teacher with enough time to test out adjustments in instruction that might constitute improvements.

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