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Meet the team behind Edsight

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Dr. June Ahn, PhD
Project Lead, Researcher
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Jenny Han
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Fabio Campos
Designer, Researcher

With a special thanks to Jessica Cai, Sharon Ma, David Ning, Isabel Pham, Karla Avalos, Minh Nguyen, and Mehraeel Gouda, who gave crucial advice during the development of Edsight.

Edsight is designed, developed, and maintained by the DapLab team at the University of California Irvine. Visit us for more products, research, and partnerships. 

We are proud members
of the PMR2 family.

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Edsight is part of a much larger research project, PMR2 (Practical Measures, Routines, and Representations). In this project, researchers and school district partners are collaborating to develop a system of practical measures, routines and representations to support the implementation of instructional improvement strategies in middle-grades mathematics. 

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